MIX Contest | Winter 2003
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The Prize!!!!

Case Logic Nylon CD Wallet, 64 DISC CAPACITY


Winner: Mix A - Untitled by John Neerland

#. Mix __ (Title of Mix, Mix-Maker)
1.  Mix A (Untitled ‘three dots’, John)
2.  Mix E (International Mix of Mystery, Leslie)
3.  Mix N (Starkle Brinkfish, Jennifer)
4.  Mix D (Untitled, David)
    Mix I (Homage to My Hometown, Anne)
    Mix F (Untitled #1, Julia )
7.  Mix M (Mixlicious Morsels of Mass Destruction, Trask)
8.  Mix L (Untitled, Dan)
9.  Mix K (Liquid Hot Magma, Dustin)
10. Mix B (Use the table tennis image, Matt)
11. Mix C (Jell-o Shots, Kim)
12. Mix G (la joie des couvertures, Jen)
13. Mix J (70's Rock Sampler: Same Old Shit, Different Day, Glen)
14. Mix H (10 Peace Tracks, Sarah)


Participants in the challenge each create one mix CD. Participants then are responsible for burning multiple copies of that CD, one copy for each of the other participants. Those CDs are then delivered to the organizer (me). Once I received all the copies of all the discs, one copy of each mix is redistributed to all the participants.

Participants listen to all the CDs and then rank those CDs (excluding their own). A winner is decided based on the votes. Besides serious bragging rights, the winner gets some kind of prize. I don't know what yet.


We have 14 participants, so you will need to make 13 copies of your CD and get them to me by the due date.


Discs Due: Sunday, February 9th. Disc should be delivered to me on or before the 9th.

Listen by/Vote by Date: April 1, 2003 Tuesday.


Format: CD Must be in Audio format, no CDs in data format.

Length: You can use either 80m/700MB or 74m/650MB CDs. No cassette tape mixes.

Track information: Needs to be included with the discs.

  • Title - required
  • Artist - required
  • Album - optional


This is going to be a blind contest. No personal names should be written or encoded on the discs or track information sheet. When I process them, I'll name the CD with a letter value (like A, B, C, D etc.) and participants will vote using those letters. Granted, we all know it'll be pretty easy to recognize our friend's mixes, but the idea is to limit the obvious politiking. Cause, honestly, it's about the *music*, man!


This time, there is no required theme. If you would like to have your mix have a theme, go for it, just know it's not required. If this goes well, maybe we'll do another one with a specific theme or requiring a theme. We'll see...

You can title your mix if you want, but you don't have to.


I've never done this before, and to keep it under control, I'm going to limit participants to 15. This challenge is not limited to Bay Area residents, but non Bay Area residents must be willing to mail your stuff to me.


  • Once I've processed and delivered all the CDs, I'll post playlists on this page for reference.
  • We'll need to decide on a date to have the voting/listening finished by.
  • Email me with any questions/comments.