Mix Challenge IX

Summer 2019
Mix Challenge IX: 20 | 19 | 20
How time has flown! It’s been years since the last mix challenge, 7 years actually. Anyway, I’ve been in the mood to dig into new music and also knowing that I’ve missed some great songs and albums over the last two decades so that is the origin of this new challenge. The ironic thing about the expanded digital access to music is that it’s almost harder to discover new music you like now. Technically it’s so much easier but it makes it harder? Right?
This contest is based on music from the last 20 years. Though, to organize it I’m making references to internet language/acronyms & slang because, well, they’re fun and it will help mixers label the songs (Q3, Q34 were always kind of awkward) AND hopefully adds some fun to picking songs.
Because playlists are significantly easier to make now (literally what took 10+ minutes to do years ago – open play, decide, burn, rip etc. – now takes <5 seconds to do, click click click.) Also now, since there are no CDs, there’s no length limit on a mix or playlist. So the rules of the challenge have been changed to suit the current tech and are a little more specific. In short, there can only be 20 songs, and every song has to belong to one of the below qualifiers. After all, it still needs to be a challenge. (Emphasis on challenge.)
The basics:
- 20 songs only
- 19 songs from the past 20 years
- 1 song from before then
- Qualifiers for EVERY song.
- Mix should be created on a streaming music service where you can make playlists, and share them. (Spotify is preferred but if you like a different service and you an accomplish all the things I’m asking for on it, cool, use a different one.)
As I mentioned, the qualifiers are based on text acronyms and internet slang. Partially because it’s funny, partially because this makes it easier to label which one you’re using. YOUR SONGS DON’T NEED TO BE IN THIS ORDER.
- CANON: A song NOT from the last 20 years.
- TY: A song that sounds like a compliment.
- AF: A song with explicit lyrics.
- OBV: A song with a one word title.
- RULZ: A song that musically sounds like it’s from the 80s.
- TL: A song that’s over 5 minutes.
- BRB: A song from a band that had a comeback.
- YOLO: A song that tells a story (aka a ballad).
- FOMO: A song from a band who you’ve seen live.
- OOTD – Like a pair of blue jeans, a song you listen to a lot.
- DUPE: A great cover.
- BFF: A song by an artist that features another artist.
- NFLX: A song with a title that sounds like the title of a Netflix show.
- TFW: A song that evokes strong feelings.
- IMHO: One of the best songs in the last 20 years, in your humble opinion.
- LMGTFY: A song with lyrics you had to look up.
- Y2K: A song from the year 1999 or 2000.
- FML: A sad song.
- New phone who ‘dis: A song you forgot you loved.
- TL;DR: Basically a wildcard. Cuz u lazy reading comprehension skills.
Digital formats & submission requirements
This will not be a contest (unless one of you wants to organize that), only a challenge and it’s open to whoever, just supply me with the below, via my Google Form and I’ll create a mix listing and add it to this website.
- (required) Your Mix Title
- (required) Mix Playlist (Song + Artist) in order and (required) Which qualifiers match to specific songs
- Example: “She Will Be Loved” – Maroon 5 [NFLX]*
- (required) Playlist link (Spotify preferred but other platforms fine as long as embed-able.)
- (required) Cover Artwork, square, 2048px x 2048px (preferred) 1080px x 1080px (minimum)
- (optional) “liner notes” If you want to explain why, tell us how your songs directly relate to the challenge, will be included on website.
*this is an example, Adam Levine turn your chair back around, thnx.
Due date: August 18, 2019
I’m not going to be a stickler, this is sort of arbitrary but I respond to deadlines (even if self imposed) so I’m planning to remove the form then. If you are late, and the form is gone contact me directly. I’ll plan to have the mixes posted on the site in about a week’s time after the deadline.
Submission form
When mix is ready, do these things:
- Make your mix public (on Spotify it’s in the “…” settings)
- Complete Google submission form here with all the submission requirements including an image (cover art!) and a playlist link https://forms.gle/8PvVL91g6qV3KvtNA